Integrated Urgent Care
Domain Message Specification

PermissionToView Tabular View

The Permission to View template details the permission to view the care record associated with this message.
Used by:
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS { CNE: ActClass } )
{ Fixed="OBS" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute classCode uses a code to describe this class as an observation.

Implementation in XML Instance

  • The XML attribute classCode is fixed to " OBS ".
[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS { CNE: ActMood } )
{ Fixed="EVN" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute moodCode uses a code to describe this class as an observation event.

Implementation in XML Instance

  • The XML attribute moodCode is fixed to " EVN ".
[1..1] [M] code (CV { CNE:CDAObservationType } )
{ Fixed="PTV" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute code uses a code from the CDAObservationType vocabulary to indicate that this is an observation of the permission granted to view the care record.

Implementation in XML Instance

The Coded with Code System Coded Value (CV) data type shall be used to carry this information in the XML element code as follows:

  • The XML attribute code shall contain the fixed value of " PTV "
  • The XML attribute codeSystem shall contain the OID " 2.16.840.1.113883. "
  • Any text associated with the code should be carried in the relevant text section.
[1..1] [M] effectiveTime (IVL<TS>)

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute effectiveTime defines the time period during which the permission to view the care record is effective.

Implementation in XML Instance

The Interval of Points in Time data type flavour is used to carry this information in the XML element effectiveTime using the value attributes of the of the XML elements low and high.

The date range shall be carried as follows:

The XML attribute value of the XML elements low and high, shall be populated with a time stamp in the format yyyymmddhhmmss[+|-ZZzz] where:

  • yyyy is the year
  • mm is the month
  • dd is the day
  • hh is the hour
  • mm is the minute
  • ss is seconds
  • [+|-ZZzz] is the time zone offset in hours and minutes

Sections from the right of this representation may be left off when the sending system does not record to this level of accuracy. When hours are present, the time zone offset must also be present.

The Time Interval Complete data type shall be used:
  • The XML attribute value of the XML element low shall be populated with a 'start date' time stamp (equivalent to the date and time the permission to view was obtained).
  • The XML attribute value of the XML element high shall be populated with an 'end date' time stamp (equivalent to the date and time the permission to view expires).

The XML attribute value of the XML elements low and high should be populated to the level of detail that is available on the sending system.

[1..1] [M] templateId (II)
{ Fixed="COCD_TP146050GB01#PermissionToView" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute templateId provides a unique identifier for the template and the classname within that template. This is used to identify how the CDA standard has been constrained for NHS use.

Implementation in XML Instance

The Identifier External data type flavour is used to carry this information in the XML element templateId as follows:
  • The XML attribute root is fixed to the OID " 2.16.840.1.113883. "
  • The XML attribute extension is fixed to " COCD_TP146050GB01#PermissionToView "
[1..1] [M] value (CV { CNE:PermissionToViewOutcome } )

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute code uses a code from the PermissionToViewOutcome vocabulary to describe the permission to view the care record.

Implementation in XML Instance

The Coded with Code System Coded Value (CV) data type shall be used to carry this information in the XML element code as follows:

  • The XML attribute code shall contain a value from the PermissionToViewOutcome vocabulary
  • The XML attribute codeSystem shall contain the OID " 2.16.840.1.113883. "
  • Any text associated with the code should be carried in the relevant text section.